Stop Government Sanctioned Human Trafficking Now

Stop Government Sanctioned Human Trafficking Now

If a womyn wants an abortion she should have every right as an autonomous fully developed human to exercise that right. This week the Supreme Court planned to take away abortion legality for any womyn who desires not to birth the fetus inside them. As we’ve seen, there is no plan on what to do with the children birthed whose parents didn’t want them other than to feed the nation’s need for a “domestic supply of infants for adoption.” This sounds ironically very much like human trafficking.

There really never was a border crisis. It was a media stunt orchestrated under Trump’s administration that criminalized and punished immigrants. The wall that he wanted so desperately to install at the border was simply a way for Trump and the GOP to line their pockets. Steel is expensive and probably not the best choice to create such a huge investment for something that we’ve seen isn’t even effective. Not to mention all of the kids whose families are unaccounted for – who knows what happened to the families that were separated under the Trump administration?

Human trafficking, while not as visible, is done through the prison system. It is modern-day slavery. How many POC and latinx are in prison for possession of marijuana or weed related offenses? The majority of prisoners locked away for weed related offenses are disproportionately people of color.

According to the ACLU’s original analysis, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States. Of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for simply having marijuana. Nationwide, the arrest data revealed one consistent trend: significant racial bias. Despite roughly equal usage rates, Blacks are 3.73 times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana.

© 2022 American Civil Liberties Union

Prisons are capable of acquiring cheap labor and a self-sustaining work force by exploiting people who have been convicted on marijuana possession or dispensing charges. These men and womyn are forced to work eight-hour days for two dollars a day in total. That, my friends, is systemic racism and what POC (People of Color) mean when they talk about American public institutions that take advantage of slave labor.

Similar to this is the psychiatric treatment of womyn and children in masse with the use of pharmaceuticals that make their patients docile, overweight, tired and unable to string two sentences together. People don’t realize how the pharmaceutical industry has exploited today’s youth by making the “troubled” youth dependent on psychotropics. The psychiatrists who are barely qualified in diagnosing psychiatric illness profit heavily on the stipend they get when they prescribe prescription drugs. Even though studies have been done on the efficacy of cognitive behavioral medicine and there have been studies that prove that today’s psychotropics are basically functioning as a full frontal lobotomy using chemicals, they are prescribed again and again. This is especially troubling considering the sensitivity of a child’s brain and a human necessity in the frontal lobe for basic communication skills to develop. A human being that can’t communicate or regulate their anger is why people like Kyle Rittenhouse become capable of monstrosities.

Nursing homes are another place where psychotropics should not be prescribed. Most of the antipsychotics which are given to “regulate behavior” in the seniors cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. All of them cause behavior similar to Parkinson’s disease – trembling, tic like movements that don’t go away unless the medicine is stopped. The nursing homes have taken hostage a physically and mentally compromised population to over-medicate regardless of the horrible side effects.

My point in this discourse is that we need to be very vigilant when it comes to human trafficking. If you see something that looks fishy, report it and if you can get video of it, get it. It’s absolutely telling that Epstein Island has not been given our full attention in the media. The GOP wants us to be distracted and sickly so that we cannot fight back effectively. This is Nazi-level trickery. It doesn’t help that news sources like Fox are adding daily to their clusterfuck web of disinformation. Yes, they feed off of ignorance, hate and confusion. They are like the abusive spouse who beats up his wife then blames some external factor that has no relation to the circumstance.