Protect Women’s Rights Now

Protect Women’s Rights Now

Earlier in the week someone from the Supreme Court leaked that it was the court’s intention to overturn the Roe Vs. Wade legislation. This is exactly what Trump wanted when he stacked the courts during his nightmarish term as US President. Does it come a surprise to Trump supporters and misogynists that it is the intent of males in power to subjugate women and control their bodily autonomy? I mean, come on, it was obvious that Trump hated women and used his power to “grab them by the pussy.” Yet, people wanted a king, someone who would wage war against this or that. Something to get excited about.

The real threat we are facing is not Mexicans or immigrants, it’s the absolute agenda of males in power to harness and imitate womyn power by taking them hostage and impregnating them. It reminds me of the movie “Alien,” starring Sigorne Weaver. Once the alien impregnates her she becomes it’s host until she eventually gives birth and dies from what is growing inside her.

From now on, I think I will refer to this type male as a son of god. These sons of god are from a race of fallen angels who wish to be restored to their former glory when they were relevant. They are specifically those who push the Christian agenda and wish to overshadow womyn and steal their glory. You can see it in their depictions of Christ which are such a masculine/feminine dichotomy. In them he has long flowing hair, lit eyes and a full beard and mustache and a dress.

I would like to appeal to them and say that violence is not going to solve anything. If it were common practice for the eye for an eye theology, the world would be blind. Their “Lord” has literally snatched up all real-estate in the world and uses it to house his Christians and their churches – he has connected field to field so that there is no rest for the foreigner in this land. He has collected a tithe from people that believed him and robbed the poor who were the due recipients of that money.

The sons of god have tried to impregnate us and force us to carry their babies to term and then refuse to pay child support but expect visitation rights. We owe men nothing. This is our body and our experience on earth. If we decide not to have kids, that is our right as autonomous beings. Even animals share in that right. If a female of the species senses that she is carrying a sickly baby, she will often abort or abandon the baby. If animals are wise enough to do this, shouldn’t womyn have the same rights?

This is an attack on womyn of color especially. Womyn of color can hardly get adequate treatment in our country and men expect them to carry their babies to term? Sons of god call themselves “Pro-life” until that baby is born and then who is going to pay to feed and take care of it? These sons of god have put the weight of the nation on womyn. They expect us to work and take care of them and our kids while beating our own breasts about how unholy we are. We are told to be silent in church while men with crappy voices belt it out for the world to hear. They talk in circles and expect womyn to fill in the blanks. Their theology is ridiculous and stupid. They are constantly quoting a book that they wrote, the equivalent of spiritual masturbation. When womyn refuse or forget to tithe these sons cry bloody murder and cite their poor master Jesus.