Government Misrepresentation

Today two things were in the news primarily: the Supreme Court’s ruling that LGBT groups could legally be refused service because of their sexuality and the decision by the Supreme Court that Biden’s plan to erase student debt would be overturned. What is most disturbing is that three Supreme Court justices were instated during Trump’s presidency. Trump was impeached twice and has been convicted for sexual misconduct, espionage and defrauding a charity for children. This man is not presidential material. He doesn’t represent the popular vote, he doesn’t even believe in the religion that is supporting him. People wake up! Republicans are enthralled with him because he has fattened their bank accounts at the common man/woman’s expense. Our planet is literally on fire and there is still people that respect his character? Come on!

I will never understand why Christianity is trading its todays for its tomorrows. Sleep walking through life thinking that everything is going to be ok if we keep it at status quo so that we can make it through today but never thinking about planetary concerns because they are convinced that their magical sky god is going to transport them to a better place. What a selfish bunch of hog wash! They have no concern for the wildlife, gleefully shoveling their meat in their faces with no remorse. The planet is burning because of animal husbandry and meat consumption. These Christians try to foment hate against LGTBQ people just to distract from the real issue: Christian thievery and planetary destruction.

Do you really think that god respects Christians? Like that a baseball game outcome is more important than the enslavement of entire groups of minorities? For one, why does their “god” need charity or tithes? Their god is so impotent he or she decides to kill himself as a sacrifice to himself as a scapegoat for millions of people who have sinned? It makes no sense! If god didn’t want us to sin he would’ve made us without the option. Instead he teases “Adam and Eve” by putting a tree in the middle of the garden that looked tasty and telling them not to eat it. What about this tree of the knowledge of good and evil is so threatening? Reason is faith’s nemesis. Faith gives man a free pass to be as shitty as possible as long as one acts pious and claims to believe in god because: forgiveness.

Folks, Christianity is a scam to enslave your minds, hearts and bodies. There is nothing unclean about same-sex relationships. For the record, when the Bible condemns homosexuality, that word was meant to signify pedophiles not adult relationships of same sex partners. Love is love. Christians would rather LGBTQ people be miserable in a loveless straight marriage in order to satisfy their bloodlust in making children so that they can capitalize on wage slavery for a generation of people that they have stripped from being able to get an education or afford a home.

Don’t be mistaken, these people don’t respect a woman’s rights over her own body. Republicans are charlatans thinly veiled as pedophiles. Republicans don’t represent the majority.