Homosexuality and Religion

Homosexuality and Religion

It came across my newsfeed that the government of Uganda has made homosexuality illegal today. The sad thing is that Uganda has only prohibited this activity due to colonization, meaning that once again, Christians have to ruin everything. Everything colonizers touch dies!

I feel like I am qualified to speak about Christianity based on what I’ve learned from growing up in the Christian church. When I was a child I hated going to church. I had to wear these nylons that my aunt gave me and they were always too small and the crotch was hanging around my knees. I could barely walk. It was really boring, smelled like a coffin, and the music was terrible. Call me superficial but not one of those churchgoers could sing. It was like listening to cats being strangled. I’m not trying to be a buzzkill, but some of the claims of Christians are really inaccurate mythology.

For instance, take the story of Noah’s Arc and the great flood. Supposing that the measurements in the Bible were correct and two of every species were on that boat, there would only be less than a millimeter for every animal to occupy. That’s not even including feed for the animals. Then, supposing there was every animal on the arc, what about carnivorous species and their feed? Obviously the story is a stretch.

Some people will inevitably say that the Old Testament is not as accurate as the New Testament or that the New Testament is the new covenant. If God is supposedly timeless, why does he change his tune for the New Testament? Some people say Jesus was kind and gentle unlike the barbaric god of the Old Testament. I say they were both monsters. There is the fact that the majority of Jesus’ teachings were about money. In case you forgot, money is a human construct used to enslave a labor class. What animal on earth needs money aside from humans? If animals don’t need money to survive doesn’t that make them more versatile than a god who needs ten percent of your income every Sunday? Do you ever wonder what god does with the money you give him? Does he plant a tree, like a barter system? Maybe a handful of grass is worth $10 a clump.

We’ve bought into the idea that we need money from the fallacy the churches have nursed that god needs money. We think god needs money to feed the homeless. Please! There is more than enough food on the earth to feed every last creature, including humans. In our sickness that the Bible perpetuates, we believe that meat consumption is necessary. It is so prevalent in American culture that we have advertisements coming at us in every direction for meat – including the Bible. The story that Peter dreams where God tells him he should eat all things that God calls clean, which would refer to all animals. Why is this so prevalent? I think that there is some really sick forces at work that want the majority of people to be sick, fat and unhappy.

Our first mistake would be in upholding the patriarchy. When you look at the heart of carnivores, there’s an attempt to appease male fragility with bloodshed. Christianity not only demonizes femininity it prioritizes male supremacy over the health of the planet and it’s inhabitants. Where women under duress would rather revert back to our nature which is to tend and befriend, while white men (not all) would rather revert to their nature in fight or flight mode (kill or colonize).

Where am I going with this? There is inherently nothing wrong with homosexuality. If the Bible condemns it shouldn’t really matter to an advanced society. The Bible is outdated, written by men for men, and doesn’t reflect the will of the majority. It is most certainly not the will of the divine because were it divinely motivated it wouldn’t need humans to enforce it’s tenets. “Who can resist the will of [the divine]?” The Bible is used to enslave women and children and to establish the supremacy of white men over all other cultures. The reason they try to demonize homosexuality because it would greatly advance civilization, art and science if people were allowed to express themselves and do what makes them happy. If there were a god, he or she would want its creations to be genuinely themselves in ways that makes them celebrate creation instead of hating it.

As much as hate is alien to humanity, there is a force trying to make us fester in frothing deviance toward god and creation so that we cannot evolve into the beauty that comes with acceptance. This force can be seen on Fox News any and every night. It can be seen in Donald Trump’s twisted writhing face. My solution, stop giving hate a platform and saying that “Conservatives” are aligned with the divine. Hate is not divine and the ego has no home on earth. Earth is heaven but certain hate-mongers are making it hell for the sake of clickbait and shock culture. Love is love. You can’t climb a ladder of bodies to heaven no matter what your bible says. How can a loving creator send some of his creations to hell for who they love? Killing has never been the answer.