The Show

I was talking to a friend of mine today and we hit an impasse in our conversation. We started talking about an article that my mom sent me that said that certain mental illnesses are caused by bacteria that is found in felines. The irony was that we also noticed that our friend’s cat seems to have changed it’s demeanor just by being in the presence of this one guy we know. This guy is kind of pushy and he was playing with the cat and after that she was very angry in general. This leads me to the conclusion that spiritual energy, the stuff that makes up chemistry and personality, desire and disdain is all a matter of electrical impulses. For instance, seizure activity in years past was considered demon possession. Today we call it epilepsy but it is a disruption or the insertion of neurological impulses in an otherwise stable nervous system.

This shouldn’t be too disconcerting considering that we all operate at the mercy of electricity and neurochemisty. I was thinking to myself today that this whole idea of identity and separation is an absolute heresy to what is actually transpiring. We hear of people with this and that amount of “blessings” and assume that we are distinct as the ego tries to propose. It tells us that some of us are more or less than others in terms of value and bravado. Christianity supposes that some are more spiritually valuable than others, with a hierarchy of edibility even. Christianity asserts itself as the ultimate end of other belief systems in favor of a deaf, dumb and blind God who “forgives” and “overlooks” some sins and not others. This is based on the connection between a believer and Jesus. This God is sociopathic and although condemns child sacrifice, he actively takes part in the crucifying of his innocent son. This God is supposed to be all-knowing and all-encompassing yet he seemed unaware of the hypocrisy of killing animals and unbelieving humans while telling his children “do not kill.”

We are in a universe that is composed of matter and energy. These elements don’t differ from organism to organism except in their particular alignment and possibly in their frequency. We all have a frequency and much like a system of lights on a Christmas tree we all have value and similar composition. Humans, when communicating intersect their energy fields. When you stand back to assess the culmination of society, you see that we are all governed by electrical impulses. We are much like the nervous system of an organism in that we are all connected. We are all communicating. This whole idea of unity alludes to pantheism or the importance of valuing all life and matter as containing an intersecting spirit.

Christianity thrives in competition, sibling rivalry, favoritism, slavery and ego masturbation which is it’s preservation. It teaches (based on the Bible) that Jesus came to divide society and families. People that assume the roles of pastor or priest often make their ministry one that is run around money and it becomes more important to tithe than to help those in need. Can you tell me for what use Jesus or God needs money? And yet it is central in all of their sermons. In any event Christianity is based on relational toxicity. No sane parent would teach the Bible as written by God.

Being that we are all connected by neurological impulses, it becomes evident that none of us are isolated spiritually but some are still delusional in trying to disassociate from each other. The awakening to the reality that we are all one is what Republicans call being “woke.” It is not derogatory to call someone conscious but we can see that there is a movement to demonize those in society that reflect some of the higher spiritual states and those that have become actualized.