Why I Say Gay

Why I Say Gay

There are plenty of choices to make during this lifetime. People choose who they elect, they choose what they wear, they choose their friends, they choose their religion. However, I firmly believe that a person’s sexual orientation is not a choice. It’s as simple as that. We don’t choose who we love. All forms of healthy same sex relationships are not burdensome to society.

I think what people should get their panties in a bunch about is the sexualization of children and the inherent pedophilia rings that surround the Republican Party. Remember Epstein island? It was very strange how that series of news headlines were just ignored into oblivion. That is a clear example of the propaganda machine that Right-leaning politicians feed every day.

I remember taking a “Psychology of the Holocaust” class in college. The parallels between the Jewish Holocaust propaganda and the propaganda in today’s media (esp. Fox News and OAN) are staggering. Fox News has managed to demonize “ANTIFA” which means “antifascism”. How our society has not been investing in education is so relevant to our current state of intellectual depravity. The new generations that have been medicated into a state of complacency and ignorance should be furious at what has been stolen from them.

I first noticed it during the second election of Barack Obama. Does anyone remember the stellar Libertarian candidate Ron Paul? He had some awesome ideas that included investment in renewable energy. He was like a breath of fresh air and every time he would speak about his ideas I wanted to endorse him in his campaign. Now have any of you heard of Rand Paul? He is a Republican, gun carrying, anti human rights. This is what I’m noticing – plays on words that cause people to change their political viewpoint toward nonsense. Names are chosen specifically by hackers and trolls for the sole reason of confusing their audience. The Republican Party has become overrun with corporate interests which is why there is so much exploitation of human rights.

Their biggest fear I believe is the unionization of their companies. They want to create mobs of uneducated masses that will be too dumb to want a better life and too burdened with work to show up and organize. They exploit our emotions with their programming and try to corrupt the average American into becoming a hate oriented, racist, homophobic, misogynistic fool.

I really think that whatever deity you worship as long as this deity is one of love we can learn to respect each other and work together. I don’t believe that God hates gays. That’s like saying mommas hate their babies. Homosexuality is so attacked by Republicans and Christians because it does not fit their paradigm that they have set for citizens. They want women to be pregnant and barefoot with no rights or property. We live in a patriarchy but it is nice to see that here and there women are starting to realize their inherent power. I read somewhere that when men get money the spend it on their addictions but when women earn money they advance society and share their wealth with society’s marginalized.

The Republican initiative for the “Don’t Say Gay” propaganda and legislation is ridiculous. The only reason corporations hate gays is because we don’t procreate generally and we don’t pop out babies for them to enslave and indoctrinate. Think carefully before you judge someone who engages in same sex intimate relationships. We are all different and no one group of people have everything figured out. You’ll see the common thread in Christianity and Republicanism is their judgement of people that they wish to control even though they themselves do the very things they judge against.