Gun Reform Now! Outlaw AR-15

Gun Reform Now! Outlaw AR-15

As I write this I feel sick about what has been happening in our government and state legislature. Why on earth have we not banned AR-15 rifles in a supposed civilized nation? Even police officers don’t require the amount of firepower that is in an AR-15. In fact, as we’ve seen with the Uvalde shooting, police officers are terrified of this type of weaponry. Yet anyone over the age of 18 can access one.

Does anybody else see where this is headed? They want us to be afraid that we won’t have protection when the time comes for the world to self-destruct so people that are binge watching The Walking Dead will go out and buy the most destructive weaponry of it’s kind. I saw on Twitter that there is a specific type of gun that has a bible verse on it and it is intended to do the Lord’s will by killing as many people as possible so long as they don’t cooperate with Christian Nationalists.

The Supreme Court has already made clear that women are not capable of making decisions over their own body by trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. Also, as we’ve seen, those who do commit atrocities like Kyle Rittenhouse, will be handled ever so gently by the courts because they are fragile white male egos who need to be coddled instead of treating them like the murderers that they are. So you see the dichotomy here? Women who try to get an abortion or have a miscarriage are treated like murderers while men who actively murder minorities are treated as heroes.

Again, this activity is purely cultish on behalf of the church community of pedophiles, misogynists, racists and homophobes. What have we learned from all of the churches activities? Look back to the Spanish Inquisition. Look back to the way the Christian church assimilated Native Americans and stole their land, and most treacherously, their culture, by force. Get it right, nations that are patriarchal by nature erase and squelch anything that challenges their dominance. It is a secret so well kept that most people in the church don’t even realize that they’ve inherited a legacy of hate, assimilation, murder, genocide, and war. They drink the blood of their god every mass and never really think about what they are doing. They steal the voices of women and would rather listen to a chorus of half dead men than give credulity to reason.

This gun thing is not something we can ignore and it will go away. I just want to know why democrats are acting so powerless. Please explain it to me why Republicans get to bully everyone else into submission while criming and slithering their way to the White House? Are we so impotent that the only thing we can do is to vote when they’ve clearly threatened the sanctity of free, safe and fair elections? I can tell you right now that Trump will not be merciful if he gains the presidency again. He sees no value in human life. He is a traitor and a fool. Anyone who supports him and claims Christianity as their religion is actually on point because Christians are by and large thieves. They are not God’s special chosen ones. They are delusional. God would never support such idiocy. Christians tell themselves that it’s ok not to understand and still proceed – they are chosen so it’s ok when they have the impulse to shoot the shit out of a grocery store, it must be God-ordained.

Just like it was God ordained for Mary to bear a child without offering her a choice, essentially, the rape of Mary to bear Jesus. Jesus was a rape baby. The first, according to the Christians. Also, this first rape is what they cite in their churches today as justification for their parishioners to rape and belittle women. The Bible treats women like the snot rag of society. And to make it illegal for a woman to obtain an abortion? Atrocious. Their God is a rapist. What does that make his followers? It’s all very clear when you look back that it was never about saving souls it was about draining their life blood in order to build the Christian temple. It was the transfer of wealth and property of women into male hands. If God is anything like his people, he is a bloodthirsty, greed-driven, hypocrite, with the MOST fragile ego in the cosmos.

The point of giving babies guns and teachers guns is to create an atmosphere of fear where people would rather lose their damn mind than let go of their guns. And indeed, they have lost their mind. They gave it to the church who defiled their consciences and now they are certain that to concede that Jesus isn’t real is to give way to one’s own eternal damnation. See how that works? I tell you “believe in Jesus or you’ll go to hell.” You tell me, “ok I believe.” I say, “are you sure?” Any doubts arise and I tell you you are double-minded, neither hot nor cold and unfit to serve in God’s kingdom. All your doubts make your voices sound like a cacophony in church. You are listening to the voice in your head, not God. However, to you, the voice in your head is God which is why you so vehemently defend it as God. You don’t even give credence to a God, as it goes for white males, they believe they are God. Their adherence to their ego as a patriarchal figure that decides all things for the heteronormative family unit as well as what goes on in government is evident in the way they push their Christian agenda. Men wrote the Bible. They made their bed. Let them lie in it, alone.

The truth is that Christians see their God as impotent and that is why they need guns. They feed off of the end of the world mentality where society is chaos and only the armed survive. This has led them to focus on tomorrow not today. They think that they will be forgiven for whatever they’ve done wrong but no one else will. They are constantly judging and comparing the size of their nonsense bible knowledge. Someone said once, “Christians have one foot in heaven and the other on a banana peel.” So true.